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“I never miss a radio program”
August 31, 2018
Today our world prayer journey brings us to the state of Maharashtra, India, where we meet with a listener of our Deccani language broadcasts.
He writes:
“One day I was very upset and depressed so I turned on my radio in order that some music might cheer my spirits. Instead, I heard a message from you on peace—John 14:27. This was no coincidence. It was as if God Himself was speaking to me. At the end of the program, I prayed with the teacher and I felt a unique peace come over me … it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.
“I now know the saving grace of the Lord and never miss a radio program, as it helps me walk according to His Word. Thank you for sharing this life-changing message with me.”
What an encouraging report! Let’s keep praying that more listeners of our Deccani broadcast hear God’s Word and respond in faith!
Thank you for your partnership in prayer. Join us next week as the World Prayer Team travels to Southeast Asia.