World Prayer Today

Praying Proverbs 22:6 through Mexico

August 21, 2017

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6.

“I grew up in the city of Juarez and recall listening to your programs with my father.” That’s the opening of an email from Luz who listens to our Spanish broadcasts in Toluca, Mexico. She continues:

“Over the years we moved and I lost touch with your broadcasts. But I praise God that three years ago He put it on my heart to find you on the Internet. Each day at 6:30 AM I sit down with my husband and children (six years old and nine years old) and we listen on my cell phone.

“The Word of God keeps me alive spiritually and physically, it sustains me in the face of every challenge that comes to me day after day. I pray that as my father passed on this tradition to me, that I also will pass this on to my children. The ability to know and understand God’s Word is more precious to me than anything else.”

Praise God for parents who make the worship of God and the study of His Word a priority in their lives and within their families. Let’s pray that God’s Word will take root and blossom in little hearts and minds in Mexico and around the world.

God is at work in Guatemala! We’ll join together again tomorrow on World Prayer Today to get the details.