Articles & News

From hurt to hope

August 29, 2022

“I was abused by my husband for many years. Your teachings bring healing to my deep hurts. You give me hope for the future. Through Jesus I am strengthened in my divorce, and in God’s Word I have found restoration.”

That’s the tough story we hear from a listener in Peru. Sadly, she’s not alone. One in three women, around 736 million worldwide, are subjected to some type of violence by a spouse or partner or sexual violence from others in their lifetime. Though awareness has grown, those numbers remain largely unchanged over the past decade.

Yet, in His Word we find God loves and honors women. They are part of His redemption story (Esther, Rahab, and Ruth), and an important part of His work on earth (Deborah, Priscilla). He hears their prayers and answers them (Hannah). So, today as we ask God to bless the teaching of His Word in Peru, let’s also ask Him to give strength and restore worth to all those who have been abused.

Father, we pray for those who have suffered violence at the hands of those who were supposed to love and protect them. We ask You to surround them with Your care and protect them by Your loving might. Surround them with Your people to nurse them back to health and help them heal. Direct Your Spirit to lead them on the path to salvation. Please help them feel Your presence and be confident in Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A listener in Ecuador returns to the faith of her childhood. Find out more tomorrow as our prayer journey bring us to Ecuador.

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