Articles & News

A love letter from Bulgaria

December 05, 2018

The Thru the Bible Bulgarian producer received this “love letter” from one of our fellow Bible Bus riders in the city of Samokov, Bulgaria.

Let this prompt in us a gratitude for how God is at work in some of the spiritually dry places throughout Europe, especially around the Balkan Peninsula.

“I just cannot thank you enough for being faithful to what God has called you to do. I pray for your Bible study lectures and for the others that are listening to these radio programs each evening. You have opened many eyes, and confirmed the faith in the Word of God in many of our people. I know there are still few followers of Jesus in Bulgaria, but I am praying that many would join listening regularly and hear the Good News. God bless you and your ministry. My family’s prayers are with you. Please keep us in prayer as we minister to those who are not Christians.”

Let’s pray right now: Father, strengthen those who stand for You in places where Your name is not known. Thank you for Your faithfulness in getting Your Word to those who have ears to hear and hearts to follow. In Jesus’ name, amen.

We’ll be celebrating other victories around the world tomorrow. Please join us in prayer!