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“God found me . . .”

July 10, 2018

“I was a sheep longing for a shepherd, and God found me.”

Welcome to World Prayer Today. Today we’re praying for the people of Turkey, a Muslim-dominant nation. Praise God this university student in Turkey recognized his need for a Shepherd. Let’s share the rest of this touching letter from Istanbul.

“One night I found your program by accident and heard the parable of the sheep in Luke 15. Since that time I have listened to you quite regularly. One night while I was lying in bed, I began reflecting on your teaching and suddenly I heard a voice ask me to accept Christ as my Savior. I was very surprised! I don’t believe it was an audible voice, but I heard it loud and clear.

“At first, it was hard to believe that God was speaking to me. Who am I? I’m just an unimportant twenty-one-year-old man. But after a few minutes I realized I was the sheep He was referring to in the story that first night. And very quickly I was on my knees. I have a new life now, and I want to thank you for being a part of it.”

Today let’s give praise for a Shepherd who so lovingly cares for each one of us! And let’s ask God to change the hearts of more people in Turkey.

Tomorrow we’re off to Tunisia … join us right here on World Prayer Today.