Articles & News

Nothing is too big for God …

May 28, 2018

Welcome, World Prayer Team members! Thank you for joining us today as we travel on our knees to the African country of Burundi.

Before we pray, there are a few things you should know about Burundi. First, it’s not an easy place to live. Poverty in Burundi is devastating; more than 70-80% of people live below the poverty line.

Second, children and young people in Burundi are especially vulnerable. More than half a million children have lost at least one parent to political violence, and 45% of children under the age of five are malnourished.

Lastly, peace throughout Burundi is relatively new and extremely fragile. Political tensions and widespread corruption threaten long-term change.

Yet in the midst of this chaos, Thru the Bible is making a difference in the lives of listeners. As one young woman recently wrote us:

“I am a student and would like to thank you very much for your radio Bible teachings. I do my best to listen to you every evening because your program gives me hope. I am an orphan and I am very poor. I desperately want to continue my studies, will you pray for me?”

Another listener shared,

“I have many problems in my life, but your teachings show me that nothing is too big for God. I will continue to look to God to lift my head, give me hope, and to supply for each of my needs.”

Let’s echo that prayer for all of our listeners in Burundi. May God lift their heads, give them hope, and supply for all of their needs as they look to Him each day.

Tomorrow we pray our way through Burkina Faso. Please join us.