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From Questions to Christ: A Kazakh Man Finds Faith

February 04, 2025

For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God... – 1 Thessalonians 2:13a 

Kazakhstan, the largest landlocked country in the world, is a place of contrasts. While its vast landscapes and growing cities showcase economic progress, spiritually, the nation faces significant challenges. Islam and nominal Christianity dominate, and many Kazakhs have never heard the true gospel. Religious traditions and cultural norms often make it difficult for people to seek the truth found in Jesus Christ. Yet, in the midst of this, God’s Word is at work—reaching hearts, transforming lives, and bringing the light of salvation to those searching for hope.

Here is a recent testimony we received from Kazakhstan, relayed to us by a ministry partner: 

“A man in Kazakhstan had many questions about faith and God that he could not find answers to. For a long time, he was hesitant to accept Christ, but he began to listen to THRU the BIBLE programs. Over a period of four years, he studied the Word of God with great interest and diligence, listening to the sermons and programs. The programs helped him to understand many of the issues that were troubling him. Every day his faith grew stronger and he began to feel God's presence in his life. Recently, he accepted Christ into his heart. Hallelujah! He says it was through these radio programs that he was able to find answers to his questions and find true faith.”

This story is one of many that remind us how powerful God’s Word is when it reaches the right ears at the right time. Through THRU the BIBLE’s programs, people in Kazakhstan who may never have entered a church or read the Bible for themselves are now learning about God’s grace and love. Even in a country where Christianity is often misunderstood or ignored, hearts are being drawn to the truth.

But there is still much work to be done. Many people in Kazakhstan remain unreached. Some are hesitant to explore faith in Christ due to fear of family rejection or cultural pressure. Others simply have never had access to clear biblical teaching. That’s why your prayers and support are so important. Every time you pray for Kazakhstan, you are joining in the work of God, asking Him to open doors, soften hearts, and draw more people to Himself.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for open hearts – Ask God to draw Kazakhs to His Word and open their hearts to the gospel.
  • Pray for THRU the BIBLE’s impact – May our programs reach more listeners, bringing clarity, hope, and salvation.
  • Pray for spiritual revival – Ask God to strengthen believers and spark a revival in Kazakhstan.

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