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God’s Work Among Swahili-Speaking Believers in Kenya

January 24, 2025

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

In Kenya, Swahili unites people across tribes and languages, serving as a cornerstone of East African identity. God’s Word is empowering believers to stand strong in their faith and boldly share the gospel. Today, we celebrate how THRU the BIBLE’s Swahili programs are inspiring courage and faith among communities across Kenya.

Swahili, also known as Kiswahili, reflects East Africa’s rich history and diversity. The Swahili Bible has become a cornerstone for discipleship and outreach, equipping believers with God’s Word in their heart language. Programs like THRU the BIBLE play a crucial role in nurturing faith and fostering unity across tribes and regions.

A powerful story from a listener in Mombasa:

“Praise God! I am from Mombasa. I take this moment to shower you with praises for the early morning program called Thru the Bible that comes on Radio KBC. It has played a big role in building my life. I request devotions that can help in the studying of the book of Revelation. I would also like to know: Did Isaac and Ishmael ever meet again to bury their father? On the eastern door of Machpelah or Mamre? Right now, which areas of the earth are inhabited by Ishmael’s generation and what do they do for a living? When Ishmael and his mother Hagar were sent away, where did they stay? Who informed Ishmael that his father was dead? Did Adam have daughters? After Cain killed his brother Abel, where did he flee to and what did he do for a living? Where are his generation’s descendants currently located? May our God in heaven bless you and protect you from all the works of the devil. Blessings.”

This listener’s heartfelt questions and gratitude reflect a hunger for God’s truth and a deep desire to grow in biblical understanding. To God be the glory for the spiritual impact of Swahili-language broadcasts!

Let’s pray for a wave of courage and faith among Swahili-speaking communities. May God’s Word continue to inspire boldness and unity as believers share His truth across Kenya and beyond.

Prayer Points:

  • Thank God for the unity Swahili provides in East Africa.
  • Pray for Swahili-speaking believers to share the gospel with boldness.
  • Ask for God’s protection over families facing spiritual and physical challenges.

Engage with Swahili:

Listen to THRU the BIBLE Swahili programs and share them with others: TTB.Bible/Swahili.