World Prayer Today

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Praying for God’s Word as it goes out in Togo

September 17, 2024

In our prayer travels together, some places are really hard to forget. For many of us, that hard-to-forget place is Togo. If you need a refresher, we’ve learned these facts from previous prayer journeys:

  • The average daily income in Togo is under $1.25.
  • Many diseases plague the Togolese people, including HIV/AIDS and malaria, which is the leading cause of death in Togo.
  • Women are legally considered equal, but culturally they are still inferior and are discriminated against in the workplace and government programs.
  • Christianity has grown significantly since the 1990’s, and Jesus Christ is now claimed to be their Savior by 30% of the population. The rest follow traditional African beliefs (50%) and Islam (20%).
  • Unity within the church and watering down of the gospel have become huge issues for believers, as ancestor worship and other African rituals have made their way into Christian services.
  • The younger generation desperately need to be reached, with over 300,000 orphaned and unwanted children exploited in the sex trade and child labor.

Despite these overwhelming needs, God’s Word is making a difference. Let this note from Naomi encourage you:

“I have been listening to your studies and telling others about them. I believe they will bring hope to many. Please tell me how to lead a non-Christian to Christ.”

Today as you pray through the list above, also thank God for listeners like Naomi and THRU the BIBLE’s team who answer their questions. May God’s Word and His people bring hope, clarity, and eternal life to all who hear it in Togo.

Want to help those around you know God? We have free resources to help. Tomorrow we’re praying for God’s Word to run swiftly through Sierra Leone, meet us there.

Listen here to TTB-African French.