World Prayer Today

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Where is God in the middle of my pain?

June 26, 2024

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. -Psalm 34:18

Where is God in the middle of my pain? That’s the question Cristina in El Salvador recently asked. Here’s more of her story:

“I am about to finish the five years of this precious journey through the Word of God. I started on this path when I was going through a desert in my life. The pain became too much to bear, and I feared that God had abandoned me. Your voice comforted me, and I began to sense the Lord’s presence in the moments of anguish and concern I was passing through. In His Word, I found God was with me from the beginning. He is not distant or detached as I feared; He was close and waiting for me to turn to Him.”

Heartbreak seems to be an inevitable part of life, but Cristina is right … God is near. Praise Him for that today, and thank God that those who look for Him, will find Him (Proverbs 8:17; Jeremiah 29:13).

What happens when unexpected and unwelcome fear creeps in? A listener in Haiti shares his experience tomorrow as we pray our way through Central American and the Caribbean.

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