World Prayer Today

“God’s Word will not be silenced”

February 18, 2021

“I was imprisoned for answering a question about the Bible.”

That’s what we hear from one THRU the BIBLE listener as we travel through Tajikistan today. He continues:

“The name of Jesus is a threat here. My sentence was 15 days in jail and a large monetary fine. They may be able to imprison me, but the Word of God will not be silenced. Please keep teaching and sharing this teaching in Tajikistan.”

That’s a great request. Fear of radical Islam in Tajikistan has led to many religious restrictions. Preaching, distribution of religious materials, and registration of churches is very difficult, if not illegal. More than 67% of the Tajik people have never heard the Good News.

Today, let’s thank God for the courage of believers like this one. Together let’s join hearts and hands as we pray more will hear the name of Jesus and God’s church will grow despite strict government regulations. May His name be praised across this nation, and may the teaching of His Word bring hope to the millions of Tajiks living in both spiritual and physical poverty.

Our journey through Central Asia continues tomorrow in the hot, dry, and desolate country of Turkmenistan. Come ready to pray.