World Prayer Today

Praying 2 Thessalonians 3:1 in Panama

October 08, 2020

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you. -2 Thessalonians 3:1 

A bridge to the world, heart of the universe. That’s how Panama describes herself to the world. 

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Our journey today brings us to a country that serves as a land bridge between North and South America. Home to Mestizos, Caribbeans, Panamanian Caucasians, Amerindians, and other immigrants from around the world, Panama is also a bridge ethnically. So, while we pray today for God to expand the reach of Thru the Bible programs in Spanish, let’s thank the Lord for the hearts of listeners like this one: 

“Your explanations of God’s Word have gotten me through difficult days and been there as I have rejoiced. I found you when I was 15 years old, and since then I have not stopped listening. When I lived in Guatemala, I listened to you on TGN Radio Cultural, and the explanation of the Bible book by book increased my faith. Now I have moved, and this study is still my favorite. It is my spiritual breakfast every day. Thank you for your consistent teaching. May God’s people grow in strength and number as they listen to Thru the Bible.” 

It’s true—God is with us in the good times as well as in hard times. Let’s come beside this brother in prayer and ask God to open doors in Panama and beyond. May His Word run swiftly in Panama and through Central American and the Caribbean.  

Our worldwide prayer journey continues tomorrow in Belize. We can’t wait to meet you there.