World Prayer Today

“I hated my job…”

June 27, 2018

“I hated my job.”

That’s what one listener of Thru the Bible in the Netherlands recently wrote.

“But as it says in Romans 8:28, God worked it for my good so I can listen to your programs. I never wanted to go to work. But after a friend introduced me to you, I now leave early to make sure I can hear every word of your broadcasts before I arrive. I start the day with joy and I continue to look for ways to share it with others while I work. I can truly say God’s Word has changed me. Today it’s ‘not I, but Christ who lives in me!’”

Amen! No matter what we have going on today, let’s pray that we too can trust God with the details of our lives and allow Him to live through us. And let’s pray for more people in the Netherlands to hear God’s Word and decide to live in Him and for Him today.

Pray with us tomorrow in Spain.