Articles & News

What’s on your Christmas list?

December 22, 2023

“We often think of salvation as being something in the future, that it’s a package labeled ‘Do not open until eternity.’ We think of salvation in terms of golden streets, crowns, white robes, and harps in our hands. But the salvation God gives is for right now, and it comes with gifts for you. They’re right there with your name on them underneath His Christmas tree, and you can open them now. You don’t have to wait till Christmas!” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee, from “Under the Tree: Eight Gifts Jesus Gives You at the Cross”

Do you have something special on your Christmas list this year? Is there something in particular you’re hoping to find under the tree? A listener named Chantou from Cambodia tells us of some special gifts he’s already gotten and the one he’s sharing with those around him.

“My life has improved on both a spiritual and a physical level as a result of listening to your programs on Psalms. I am filled with joy as never before. With God’s Spirit working through me, I was able to lead one of my neighbors to faith in Jesus Christ. I couldn’t keep this good gift to myself, and he eagerly chose to believe. Now that we have joined forces, every evening we listen and thank God for the many blessings He bestows on us. We pray the Lord makes each of your listeners fruitful as they share Jesus with others.” 

Today as we thank God for this listener and all those who are reaching out with the good news of the gift of salvation, thank Him for the gifts He’s giving you as well. Need help getting started? Here’s a list of eight gifts Dr. McGee says every child of God receives when they believe in Him:

  1. The gift of His presence in your life
  2. Peace
  3. Joy
  4. Hope
  5. Triumph in times of trouble
  6. Love
  7. His Spirit
  8. His mercy

Want to learn more? Download Dr. McGee’s digital booklet, “Under the Tree: Eight Gifts Jesus Gives You at the Cross.”

Christmas is upon us! Let’s celebrate together on Monday in Egypt.

Listen here to TTB-Khmer.