Articles & News

The power of witness

February 05, 2019

In Ethiopia today, we are reminded again of the power of a faithful witness—when you see someone in need and offer them a word of wisdom.

That’s what happened here:

“I have a small shop in my town with regular customers who buy food and other commodities. One day, one of my customers witnessed to me about the salvation that he received from Jesus Christ. He told me his nice story and advised me that if I want to hear more about Jesus Christ, I need to listen to the TTB radio program. He told me the meter band and time of your program. May God bless him! Following his advice, I listened that day. I have never had such important advice! I became a regular listener to the program since that first day. How great it is living with Jesus Christ. No one knew it, but I was addicted to alcohol and drugs until I met Him through listening to TTB. Now I am healed and free from drug abuse. Praise God.”

Pray today for opportunities to share that good word in season. And by faith, know that God uses each word of witness for His glory and our good.

Our prayer journey through Africa continues tomorrow in Senegal where a witness is badly needed!