Articles & News

The harsh reality for Christians in the “Land of Poetry”

November 12, 2018

Known to many as the “Land of Poetry,” Pakistan is a country of harsh contradictions.

Though it is rich with culture and history, the reality is that more than 35% of Pakistani’s live below the poverty line, and substance abuse is widely considered the nation’s biggest social problem.

And for Christians, the outlook is often even bleaker. With most of the country controlled by Islamic fanaticism, those who follow Jesus live in constant fear of abuse, abduction, rape, and murder.

So as we make our way through Pakistan today, let’s remember our brothers and sisters in Christ. Ask the Lord to surround them with His peace and assurance as they love and serve Him—at any price.

And as we pray, let’s also remember our producer of Thru the Bible in the Pashto language who is fruitful even in difficult circumstances.

Tomorrow our travels take us to Uttar Pradesh, India. Join us and invite a friend to sign up here at