World Prayer Today

Good news from Algeria

December 14, 2023

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. -1 Corinthians 15:58

Sharing God’s Word throughout the Muslim world is dangerous and can often seem futile. So together let’s rejoice with our Arabic language team who recently shared:

“We received word from a listener in Algeria who has decided to follow the Lord. She was very enthusiastic about the program. She asked about prayer, and she was eager to speak with us. So, we spent time showing her how the Word teaches us to pray and how to pray in Jesus’ name. She was very joyful throughout our interactions, and she put to practice what she learned straightaway! It was a great experience for her. These experiences rejuvenate us and remind us that the work we are doing is not in vain.”

Today praise God for His Word and for the tireless work of those who are sharing it. As you do, pray 1 Corinthians 15:58, asking God to encourage, protect, and continually remind them that their labor is not in vain.

Want to go deeper in your understanding of prayer? Check out our free booklet downloads of Dr. McGee’s messages “Lessons on How to Pray”  and “Let Us Pray.”

Tomorrow we’re thanking God for the fruit of His Word in Bangladesh. Travel with us.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.