​K​​o​k Borok

Praise and Prayer Needs

Pray for the hundreds of home listening groups meeting across India to listen to TTB together.

Several of our Indian producers, their spouses, children, or production team members are suffering from serious or chronic health problems. Please pray that it would be the will of our Great Physician for them to be healed, and in the cases where that is not possible pray for strength, perseverance, and comfort – both physical and spiritual – in their suffering.

Alcohol abuse is a common problem in many parts of India. Pray that believers would come under personal conviction of this sin and turn their backs on it. Among those who are unsaved, pray that they will turn to faith in God, who is the only one who can provide the peace and comfort they seek.

Listener Testimonials

From Tripura: I am the youngest daughter of my parents. Ours is a Christian family and I would go to church whenever my parents went. As I grew older, I lost interest in church and preferred to spend time with my non-believer friends. It was a shock for us when my father died. The burden of looking after us fell on my mother. It was difficult for her to educate us with her meager earnings. Those circumstances made me lose all faith in God. It was in such circumstances that I met a Christian person who urged me to listen to [TTB]. I did as he asked and learned about the Lord Jesus Christ. Today I am growing spiritually, thanks to the program.

From Tripura:
When my brother became a Christian, I was livid with anger, vehemently disliking his new-found faith. That was because I was a strict observer of a different faith. I practiced all those rituals painstakingly, celebrating those numerous festivals with pomp and show. As I matured, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my past, present and future. I wondered what my destiny was. My faith said nothing about heaven or what would happen to me after I died. I still vividly recall how I would pray to my gods and goddesses, asking them to make me prosper and protect me from harm. But those idols were unable to help me. In fact they seemed to harm me. I encountered many tough and challenging situations and came out none the worse. To make things worse, I enjoyed no peace or joy and trouble seemed to follow me everywhere. I noticed that my brother never missed listening to a Bible teaching program called [TTB]. With his influence, I too came to know the Lord Jesus, accepting Him as my personal savior. I am happy to inform you that now I have peace and joy.

From Tripura:
I was both an alcoholic and a disobedient son to my parents. I hated Christians and mocked them at every opportunity. In fact I troubled them. After my marriage, I had to work hard to survive and take care of my family. I encountered so many problems that I began to search for the real God who would deliver me from them. I met a Christian friend who told me about the love of God. I then became a Christian, though I did not fully understand who Jesus was. Further, I was unable to give up my habit of consuming alcohol. By the grace of God I was introduced to your Bible study program. I listened to the program and came to know more about the love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It encouraged me to give up my bad habits and today I enjoy peace and joy in Christ.

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  • Producer:Samuel Jamatia
  • Launched: 2001
  • Target Area: India (Tripura), Bangladesh
  • Mediums: SW radio, Internet
  • Related Links: TWR-India, TWR-Asia

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