
Praise and Prayer Needs

Please keep praying for our new international projects that are currently in production (Hmong, Kurdish, Mongolian, Uzbek), those that are currently being re-produced (Chichewa, German), and those for which we’re seeking a new producer (Hebrew). Ask that God would bless all of those involved with these efforts and that we would stay on schedule to get TTB in these languages on the air as soon as possible.

We have found it very challenging to find a qualified producer to complete the 5-year Thru the Bible radio program in Hebrew. For this reason, this broadcast is temporarily suspended while we prayerfully seek the right person to produce programs in this language. Please join us in praying that God will open the right doors at the right time for us to resume our broadcasts in Hebrew!

Pray for peace and political stability throughout the Middle East and North Africa so that the gospel may continue to be aired without disruption. Pray also that governments in this region of the world would endorse complete religious freedom. Believers in countries where those freedoms currently are not available are also in need of our prayers for protection and courage.

For the church in the Arab world to stand strong and firm against chaos and that Christian people would seek God’s wisdom. Pray that the broadcasts throughout this area will be effective in speaking to the hearts of Arab listeners and that the study of God’s Word will bring about reconciliation and peace.

Listener Testimonials

This broadcast is temporarily suspended while a new production is underway. Once it’s back on air and we have received listener responses, we will share them here!

  • Producer: Seeking a new producer
  • Launched: 1999
  • Target Area: Israel
  • Mediums: Suspended
  • Related Links:none at this time